
What could she need or want? 5 weeks old?

by  |  earlier

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my daughter is 5 weeks today and usually she eats 2 oz. of formula every 2-3 hours and even 3oz. before going to bed sometimes but all day today, she has been asking for 2-3 oz. every 1-1.5 hours? she has also been sticking her tounge out a lot and she constantly sucks her hands. also, shes been sneezing a lot today and shes been very fussy all day. what could be wrong. should i be feeding her every time she asks for it? she cries if i dont. thanks for your a new mom.




  1. Could be a growth spurt thats why shes eating so much.  As for sneezing it could be allergies.  Just keep an eye on her and watch for a fever or a bad cough.

  2. yes, give her as much food as she can handle, lol. She hit a growth spurt and will soon go back to normal. All the extra food is going to all the extra calories she is useing by moving her limbs around more. Also with her sucking on her hands and such is her just finding her hands and wouldnt you if you foundout how amazing they were? Lol. Just keep putting the bottle in her mouth everytime she crys and is hungray. Good luck at being a new mom.

  3. Babies go through growth spurts and eat more at times. If she is fussy, she could be gassy because of eating more. She could also be fussy due to sneezing and not be able to breathe through her nose. Watch when she fusses and look for the clues to what is causing it. I did schedule feeding as much as possible and it worked for me. Babies have didn't cries for feeding and being gassy and being tired. Just watch for your babies signs. And if she asks to eat, definitely feed her. She is so little and growing so fast.

  4. sounds like the start to one of many major growth spurts. Have you tried a pacifier, if not thats ok too! you can always try increasing the bottles by a ounce or two and see how it goes.

  5. feed her on demand as horribly damanding it is on you *been there done that sending you a huge {{{hug}}} cus i know how tiring it is!* she is most likey still hungry when she is asking for it and taking it. growing baby needs food! she sounds like she might be cold feel her body if she is cool to the touch either bundle her up or put another layer of clothing on her. i use full onesies and socks and mittens depending on the coldest part of my daughters body. see if she may want a pacifier or to suck on your knuckle. that may help. skin on skin *her semi nakie in a diaper of course body against your semi or completely nakie body* may help calm her down too. good luck!

  6. Wow! thats impressive - only 5 wks old and already talking enough to "ask" for food??!  Babies cry for many reasons, I would rule out other problems b4 I started filling her full of extra formula.  If she is sneezing too maybe she is a little unwell so I would be giving lots of extra cuddles to soothe her.  In a couple of days she might be fine again, and if not then possibly increase her formula.

  7. She could want to be fed more milk less often. As for the sneezing, as long as she hasn't got any other symptoms, i'd just think it could be one of those things.

    Any don't worry about sucking her fingers, my little one does it all the time. She's just self soothing.  

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