
What could stop me from being so exhausted?

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I have been tested for almost everything my doctor said that my iron isn't low. For the past two days starting on Friday evening I have been so tired. I have to drag myself out of bed, drag myself down the stairs and to the shower. I'm tired as I type this. I've read about multi vitamins. What do they do? Well they stop me from being exhausted? I've been this way for months now, it comes and stays for a couple of days and then leave.




  1. skip the vitamins.  eat a balanced diet by including a protein for every sugar that you ingest, get more sleep, and exercise daily.  follow up with your doctor.

  2. Are you under a lot of stress? Are you getting enough sleep? These could be the factors as well in making you feel tired. I'd still try to take an Iron supplement for a few days and see how you feel. Also take Magnesium. My favorite is One A Day Active for Women, however, I still pop Magnesium and Flax Seed Oil Tablet on top of it. Another thing, if you drink too much coffee, stop immediately. Believe it or not, but coffee has the opposite effect on you if you drink too much. Instead, switch to decaf, it still has caffeine in it. Good Luck!

    Please remember to take Iron only for a few days. It's not healthy if you keep taking it over and over unless it's included in the Multivitamin.

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