
What could the Olympic opening ceremony be in London?

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China's was amazing because they have this fantastic cultural history, but what could England do, being as our history is mainly taking other countries? A kind of "trooping the colour" with the 1812 overture playing and cannons going off? I have no idea... What could it be?




  1. China's was computer generated...

    not amazing...

    & I have no idea what we could do...


  2. Chas And Dave signing My Old Mans A Dustman

  3. Spice Girls reunion, the Olympic edition? lol

  4. 1812 overture is about Napoleons retreat from Moscow?

    Not British.

    The present games opening ceremony is gonna take some beating

  5. Greybox, London has 2000 years of history, it is 10 times older than America! We should have loads of Military stuff (Parades Flypasts vehicle demos etc), because that is cool! We should have lots of Morris Dancers, London Double Decker Bus', Hackney Cabs, Telephone Boxes, Police Bobby's, Lots of kids dressed as British Monuments, Lots of Red White and Blue, Lots of Union Flags (its only called the Union Jack at Sea, and only the Royal Navy is aloud to fly it!) Lots of cool technology (like holograms which which probably be around by then) Lots of synchronised stuff (like those light up drummers in this years) Lots of cool stuff

    And everyone will be WHITE! No Foreigners! No Political Correctness!

  6. maybe the queen's guard will be there to perform a routine, the queen will declare the olympics open. as part of UK culture, they will play some bagpipes and add in some performances of local elements.

    i don't know, london has always given me the impression of being a very beautiful, formal city with lots of rules and orders. australia has the aboriginal cultures, greece has got lots of myths and legends, china has 5000 years of history but what does london have? colonialism all over the world, east indie companies and the discovery of America?

    edit :thank you for all the informations the_great_kinkle =)=)

  7. Well I'm not sure how appropriate the 1812 Overture would be as it was written by Tchaikovsky (!) but we have many amazing moments from history we could call on.  We should get the army involved; I know the Olympics aren't supposed to demonstrate or celebrate anything military but the incredible drummers who opened the Beijing ceremony were from the Chinese army so I don't see why we can't involve the army.  So trooping the colour may not be far wrong, at least we'd get it right!

    Seb Coe probably wasn't far off with the idea of 5000 Morris Dancers, I think that would be very impressive - and certainly English!

    Whatever we do, it's going to have to have a lot of money and time spent on it and not be done on the not let the Government get involved then.

  8. 5000 Morriss dancers.

    I joke of course.

    I imagine we'll celebrate the commonwealth.

  9. Ok arseholes EUROGAMES !!1

  10. LOL

    Who wrote the 1812 overture? Is that British?


  11. I would imagine it will focus on our achievements more than our old empire.

    I would take a guess that the Magna Carta (first ever document that safeguarded human rights) will be there along with our history of exploration and technological advancement. I'm thinking the industrial and digital revolutions. There are loads of things that we have invented that have changed the world.

    No country ever shows the bad things. Its just the way it is.

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