
What could the citizens of the U.S. technically be capable of?

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Everyone around me seems to be fed up with things. If a majority of the total population(300 million) could petition, would it be possible to bully laws in and out as we please?




  1. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives people the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Unfortunately, less than one in five Americans has ever read the Constitution.

    The Members of the House of Representatives is elected every two years. That means the people can "overthrow" the government every two years by electing new members to that body. Unfortunately, the re-election rate of House Members is over 90%. Add to that the fact that less than half of eligible voters are even registered to vote and you begin to see the heart of the problem. It isn't the government. It is us.

  2. wow, umar's a dousche.

    its a nice thought.  but when have 175 million americans EVER agreed on the same thing?

  3. Just look at Yahoo Answers, its amazing what people can be capable of!

  4. You bully the laws by voting in the right person. Petitioning, and calling your senator  is another.

  5. Our founding fathers were very wise men..... they could easily have created a government that everyone in the colonies could control by direct vote. There were so few people in America a direct vote by everyone on major issues would have been possible.....BUT THEY DID NOT .... insteadf they created a "representative government'..... the wisdom of this is the majority of the population is to busy "living" to do the necessary research and form the correct decision on important issues.... a DIRECT VOTE GOVERNMENT would be a disaster

    It is the job of our elected representatives to research the issues and take appropriate action.... Are they doing their job.... not by a long shot.....but it is STILL a workable concept..... one we eventually will get right

    A government by petition or poll is a VERY bad idea

    One major flaw.....Whoever controls the media.....the source of everyones information.... could indirectly control public opinion and manipulate the government..... there is no guarantee the masses would govern any better than the representatives ....and a VERY high likelyhood they would do a worse job


  6. WE HATE AMERICA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<PAKISTAN HATE AMERICA <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<WE HATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<BLUDY AMERICAN b***h>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BUSH MY PUPPY

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