
What could these Brown spots be in the bottom of my pool?

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I have an in-ground pool and I keep finding what I think is some sort of animal f***s in the bottom. I find at least 10 to 20 droppings at a time. If I find it right away I brush them towards the drain and shock the pool. If they sit for a while, they actually spread out and become brown stains. They cannot be brushed at all. Brushing doesn't remove it. But the stains do come right out after shocking the pool.

I can't think of what kind of animal could get into a 6 foot deep pool and then get itself out without drowning.

I live in NJ, but I rarely see any animals in my yard, except for an occasional mouse. These dropping are too big to come from a mouse.

Any one have any ideas what this could be?




  1. probably some fat *** kids are doing cannonballs in your pool and leaving skid marks when their fat asses hit the bottom

  2. Ducks or geese

  3. They could be mice droppings which may come out of the mouse dry and then swell in the water - which would explain the brown stains (depending how big the droppings are) Bear in mind objects are magnified in size under water.

  4. I finally figured out that birds were dropping walnuts into my pool.  Your "droppings" are not walnuts, but birds would explain how they get in the middle of the pool.

    Beyond that, I can't help you except to suggest that you pull a "specimen" out of the pool and take it to your local pool supply shop.  They may know what it is, or... it could be an embarrassing trip to the pool supply.  So, good luck.

  5. well sometimes maybe some type of rodent squirell or something may take a drink then turn around to look for a threat then c**p in your pool and then it may have been a ratcoon i dont know heck even a deer if u r wondering how to dropping move away frokm the sides the wind hits the water and slowly pushes it away and the brown spots are stains from the acid in a poo hope this helps =D

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