
What could these be, 10 pts please?

by Guest33211  |  earlier

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I have red marks and dots on my legs. At first they were only on my upper thigh, but over the past few months they have gone halfway down my legs. I'm not fat, though my aunt (who is a nurse) told me it could very possibly be since when I was little, I was around 80 lbs my whole life and very unhealthy so I was never supposed to gain any weight, but I gained weight and now at 16 i'm 125. So stretch marks maybe, but I don't get why they'd be spreading.

I don't have the time to see a doctor as of now as I stay after school every day until about 4 to help with the drama center at my school (teacher forces us to, ugh). Anyway, no pictures as I don't have a camera, and it's just the marks/dots. I've already had chicken pox. They don't itch, my legs don't hurt, I feel all around great besides the marks that make me not want to wear anything besides pants. Any idea if my aunt was right or what else could this be?




  1. You said they were red dots.. thats a bit vague, but i would say that it has nothing to do with being fat or anything, its probably exema. I know lots of people including myself that have it. they are red dots that spread on legs and usually arms. There is no cure for it at the moment but it is caused by dry skin. I however got it from just putting lots of c**p on my self. I went to the dermo and he gave me some cream but it didnt really do anything. I suggest not to pick at it but make sure you moisturize every time you take a shower. Maybe if you swam or sun tan or anything that could dry your skin out happened. I wish you the best of luck, im really sorry but the good news is you will be fine:) OH and by the way 16 and a 125 pounds is not fat so its not stretch marks. You are beautiful and dont let anyone else tell you different.

  2. go to webMD, i love that website.

    who knows, it might help

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