
What could they do with a flute?

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well i just started my new school last thursday and have already made some friends . i happened to tell one of them that i play the flute and she said that one of her friends need a flute player for something. today she told me that her friend wanted me because he has a "project" to do (im preaty sure it has nothing to do with the school) and its satanic

i declined because i am a christian

so my question is

why would he need a flute to do something satinic




  1. I misread your question.

    There is a ritual in Anton LaVey's book, The Satanic Rituals that calls for flute music.

    Get your friend to look at the website below.

  2. Did they SAY it was something Satanic???  I think you've been listening to some fear-ridden preacher too much.  He's got you seeing devils everywhere.  There is no purpose for a flute player in Satanism.  Check out

  3. HI Juli,

    It sounds like you are pretty concerned... and when people get that kind of concerned, it is best you run the other way.   Don't even be curious about it... and I know you are but It would not be a good idea to get involved with people you are having misgivings about.

    I don't even have a clue as to what kind of a project kids would need a flute player for.   If you are very afraid,  you might trust your parents enough to tell them about it.    If your friend approaches you again you might tell her that you really don't play well enough to be asked to do any project but say you apprecate her thinking of you.  And if this kid seems kind of unusual.....  better make other friends soon.

    Flute Teacher.

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