
What could this be, diabetes or something else?

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Whenever I go a couple hours without eating I get really shaky and I feel like I'm gonna pass out then once I eat I get very groggy and tired like I could pass out. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes about a year ago but when I checked symptoms of diabetes I do not have any of them. I'm 100 pounds over weight and have had trouble losing it. I just would like some suggestions on what this may be. I am seeing my dr in a few weeks but I would like to know sooner what this may be.





  1. You could be hypoglycemic. Go to the doctor!

  2. sounds like hypoglycemia to me.

  3. Call your doctor over the phone and see if he can give some advice until you go in, if you think you have diabetes than try to cut back on sugar.

  4. for now make sure you are eating small meals 6/8 times a day. keeping your blood sugars level.  If you are feeling very weak eat 6 jelly beans this is the amount it takes to get your blood sugar back up.  Also a few sips of regular soda. If you feel yourself start to sweat it is the time to eat a gram cracker. It sounds like a definite blood sugar problem. If you have had any yeast infections recently it is going to be a blood sugar problem.  

  5. doesn't sound like type 1 diabetes because before I was diagnosed I was 15 years old and UNDER 100 pounds.  Might be hypoglycemia

  6. When you eat and feel tired afterward, are you consuming carbohydrates?  They shoot your blood sugar level up and make you feel tired.  You need to keep your blood sugar even so don't wait so long that you get hungry and shaky.  Snack on a small piece of fruit or some vegetables.  Also try eating protein such as some cheese or a slice of turkey.  

  7. It sounds like diabetes.  When you dont eat you are becoming hypoglycemic (low blood sugar).

  8. Doesnt hypoglycemia (sp?) mean lack of sugar?

    Hypo = less

    glyc = sugar

    That is a symptom of diabetes. When you are sick with diabetes, your sugar level constantly fluctuates, sometimes as low as 30, sometimes as high as 400 or more.

    When your sugar level goes down, which is also called a Hypo-reaction, you feel very weak all of a sudden, and feel like you are going to black out or pass out. You need to immediately consume sweets or other sugars to raise your sugar level.

    Some other symptoms can be blurry vision, frequent trips to the restroom (especially late at night while asleep), and hypo-reactions.

    But before you make any assumptions, make sur eyou get all the facts and proper diagnostics from your doctor.  

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