
What could this be.?

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for the last 6 weeks now ive been having headaches dizzeness blocked nose and my ears feel all blocked up ive been to the doctors twice and said it could be my sinusus and he gave me antibiotics which i had to take for a mounth but i only took them for 4 days because they made me feel sick im 15 and i also smoke and im supposed to wear glasses but i dont do u think this is what it could be or is it something more serious because im really worried about it




  1. well, quit smoking .. and wear your glasses first of all

    but i'm not sure if that would have anything to do with your sinuses

    if you've been to a doctor and they've put you on antibiotics, take the antibiotics. but if you quit smoking you'll feel a lot better, and you'll become more healthy in the long run  

    if you don't like glasses, get contacts

  2. It is probably a sinus infection. Smoking only makes it worse. Not wearing glasses can also give you a headache because your eyes are in constant strain. Call you doctors office and leave a message explaining that the prescription gave you undesirable side effects and that you would like to be prescribed something else.Your doc may be able to call in a different prescription without the need of seeing him/her again. It is unlikely that your infection will clear up on it's own especially with you smoking.Meanwhile get rest and drink lots of fluids  you might try a warm wet cloth on your forehead. Sometimes this helps with sinus pain.

  3. The doctors diagnosis sounds correct.  I would have said a sinus infection. The infection is probably worse due to smoking.  The antibiotics usually have to be taken a long time to be effective and are not a fast cure.  They have to be taken for the entire period the doctor gives them to you to work properly.  It is normal to get sick to the stomach with antibiotics by mouth or by shot. Its something you have to endure.  Try taking something to soothe your stomach before you take the antibiotics if you take them in pill form.  The dizzyness could be from the sinus infection as the fluids in your ears get all messed up and out of balance.  The blocked nose from the sinus infection.  Not wearing the glasses can cause headaches.  So put on your glasses, take your antibiotics and stop smoking.  

  4. You need to let the Dr. know that the meds he prescribed are making you sick.  He will order something else for you.  Sounds like it could be your sinuses.  xox
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