
What could this be?going on for 3 days already.?

by  |  earlier

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my head really hurts, and yesterday i had a fever of 103.8.. i have a small rash. could it be meningitis? everytime i look up my eyes really hurt.




  1. Three days with 104F fever? Go to an emergency room.

    Whatever you have, a temperature that high for that long literally cooks your brain.

  2. Allergies don't cause fevers. With a fever of 103.8 it really doesn't matter what you have as long as it comes down. Don't be foolish, pop some tylenol and get to the ER asap

  3. Maybe allergies, get checked.

  4. Whatever it is it is not good.  You should go to your doctor and get checked.  It could be one of many things.  The rash and high temp reminds me of measles but there are so many other things it could be.  It is always best to be safe then sorry so I would suggest you see the doctor as soon as possible.  If your fever goes any higher go to the ER and have it checked out immediately.

  5. You really need to see a doctor. If you fever goes to 104.0 or higher go to the ER.  

  6. It almost sounds like measles but you should really check with your doctor or urgent care center as soon as possible.

  7. There's a chance it could be the flu. Flu is known to make your eyes hurt when moving up down left or right, makes your head hurt, and other things. IDK what the rash is but there's a good chance its a flu, but talk to your doctor.

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