
What could this bubble on my finger be from??

by  |  earlier

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ok so today i was doing the dishes with really hot water and after i was done i looked down at my thumb and there was this clear bubble type thingy just below my cuticle. im not sure what it is or what its from, it doesnt really hurt either. i was thinking maybe its a burn from the water or something.?. anyway im just wondering if anybody knows what it could be and how i can get rid of it..thankss ;)




  1. it sounds like a burn to me. Aloe will help that.

  2. its probably a blister

  3. Yes, it sounds like a burn blister from the hot water. It will go away by itself as your body reabsorbs the fluid in it. It sounds like a very small blister, so it should be gone in just a few days. Don't try to pop it, just leave it alone.

  4. could be a blister from the water.just leave it alone,don't pop it.

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