
What could this confusing dream mean?

by  |  earlier

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In my dream I was riding train after train. Thing is, I first started at my house. I had just gotten a new bed actually, and the blanket I liked was about go on when my aunt screams,"STOP THERE'S A FACE ON IT." Come to find out it was meant to be on it. Then, I got on a train and we stopped in a town called Emotion, then one called Lonely, one called Misery.

I dunno. What could this dream possibly mean, and yes, people, I know that a dream doesn't have to mean anything it can represent things or it can be a dream, but tell me what it could mean anyway.




  1. this site may help you

  2. Riding train = decision making

    Normally, when you dream of things like vehicles, that may symbolize some sort of decision making  you are currently into now.  In your case, you projected you started at your house, got a new bed.  That may suggest your decision making may come from family related matters.  There may be something you may be struggling within the family.

    The town called emotion, lonely and misery may reflect how you want people to help.  In other words, you are seeking for help, support in terms of decision you want to make.  In translations, you may be feeling helpless in some decision you want to make in life. That is heavily dealt with some family issues.

  3. The train usually represents where you feel you are going in life.

    Your bed represents a place that you feel safe and secure, rested, peaceful. Your aunt interrupted that peace by drawing your attention to something scary in your peaceful place (your bed). Maybe your aunt is somebody you feel like disrupts your peace/life sometimes.

    The towns you visited represent very plainly the emotions you are going through.

    So, you started in a peaceful place (your house/bed) and then took a journey through your emotions. It's your brains way of dealing with those emotions that you experience in your waking life.

  4. sites that could help u:

    well...that's all i could do to help but for me maybe u have some grudges that u are keeping on ur heart right now..and MAYBE..u cant take it or it is bothering u..or it MIGHT be the other way around that others have grudges against u..and that it may lead to loneliness and misery in ur i suggest if that is the case...NEVER let anger and fear go beyong ur happiness

  5. it means that you are trying to work out what you want in life , catching train after train means that you have tried different things in life and you still have not found what full feels you in life, what makes you happy,

    good luck on your journey girl  

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