I haven't had a bad day. School is going pretty decent, it's actually not so bad. I've been a little stressed with school, work, and balancing a social life but I've handled it before and I know things will slow down. I was fine at school. It was actually a pretty good day until I was at work and all of a sudden I started to feel like something was wrong, or something bad was going to happen. It was so intense and I don't know why I was feeling that way. The people at work were all the cool people that I can joke around with and everything, but for some reason I felt like something was terribly wrong. It came to the point where I couldn't eat and tears were almost gonna start forming. I don't know why I felt like this. I kinda started freaking out about it until I accepted that I don''t know what happened and I just needed to wait and see. I still feel like something is up. Anyone ever had this happen to them?