
What could this lump be on my old dog?

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Hi all, hope you can help. firstly a bit of background history about my dog, he is a St Bernard who is 11 years old (a good age for such a large breed). He started having trouble with his back legs about two years ago and has since been taking glucosamine tablets, and Rimadyl for the pain. This has helped him a lot, although he is slowly deteriorating, but is still able to slowly get up and walk around fine so we feel he still has a strong will to live and will keep him going as long as he is able to move around. Yesterday, while petting him, i found a lump on his upper back. It is about the size of a walnut. The lump feels soft (almost as if there is fluid inside), and is greyish in colour. It is extremely difficult to take my dog to the vet, as with his poorly back legs he is unable to climb into a car and is too heavy to lift as he is really large, he also finds the car journey very uncomfortable and is traumatized by it. I phoned my vet to ask for advice, as thought perhaps the lump could be helped by antibiotics. My vet advised we monitor the lump and would be best to leave it alone. He said even if my dog came in to get the lump removed he would not cope with the anesthetic and at his old age it would be unfair to put him through the traumatic procedure. He also said that an antibiotic would not be good to take as he is on the Rimadyl tablets as well. He seems in no discomfort at all with the lump, he will let us touch it without yelping or seeming in any pain at all? Any advice would be much appreciated, I really love my dog! thanks!




  1. My grandmas dog has the same thing on her side of her neck, there is no need to worry about it, but when you pet him make sure you dont rub the lump as it can be very sore. it might be something different as to what my grandmas dog has, so just in case i would get it checked out.  

  2. Probably nothing - although diagnosis on here is not a good idea!  Over the years our Bassets have had any number of cysts.  Some I've had removed (mainly if they are in an awkward area or 'let go') but most I've left alone and I think you are probably wise to take the good advice of your vet - keep an eye on it, but let him enjoy his remaining years without the extra stress.  I'd bet you still think he's beautiful, lump and all!

  3. Thank you for such a good explanation of your question.  I am trying to read what is behind your question.

    Your vet seems to be giving you very good advice.  There comes a time when the situation has to be assessed and the decision is to leave well alone.

    Having 'been there done that' with dogs, you have my sympathy.  I reckon it is just a case of accepting how well your dog has done considering his age and his size.  Keep him generally happy - as you are obviously doing already.

    We have to realise that eventually a dog's time to go will come and that you are the only person your dog has who really cares for him, and the only one who will help him in his time of need.  

    Dreadful to contemplate, I know.

    Enjoy your dog, he is on Rimadyl, from what you say seems happy.  Remember, dogs do not see things the same as we humans do.  

    He is happy in his own world, he has you - what more can he ask for?  Don't transmit your worries and concerns to  him just enjoy the time he is with you.

    Best of luck.  Thinking of you.

  4. might be a tumor, could be a harmless one, just a lil painful.. my friends 12 yr old bassett has one on her tail, might be something he would have to deal with since his old age has weakened him...

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