
What could this mean???

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I had this dream last night that I was at my house and my ex's family lived next door. I drempt that my house was super tall and on the very top of it it had this balcony that didnt have proper railing around it. It was like 12 stories high. In the dream I was way up in the air on top on this balcony getting ready to tan there. I remember being really scared up there and remember the railing being shaky. My ex's mom was outside kindof watching me. And my ex was outside too.

The guy im dating now then came and joined me up on this balcony. I remmeber feeling scared and feeling like I was going to fall right through the railings to the ground.

What could this dream mean?

Thanks in advance!





  1. Maybe it means that you don't feel safe with your ex around watching you and you some how feel better when your boyfriend is around... or maybe your life is shaky right now and your ex is going to watch as your boyfriend and you fall to the ground eventually breaking up

  2. Hello

    In dream interpreting everything has a generic meaning but it doesn't always fit quite right, that's why we go with intuition as well.

    Here are the generic meanings to some key elements in yoru dream and then I'll explain my intuition

    To see your home in your dream, signifies security, basic needs, and values. You may feel at home at your new job or you finally feel settled and comfortable in a new environment.

    To see or dream that you are on a balcony, refers to your desire to be seen and noticed.  You are searching for prestige and higher status. It may also mean that you are on your way up the social ladder.

    To dream that you loose your balance, suggests that you are having difficulty weighing your options and choices in some situation.

    Now i know you didn't loose your balance but you were afriad to afraid to fall.


    in this case you are in your home which is probably in this case security and it's really tall (exagerated)

    you are on the balcony afraid to fall and you ahve your current boyfriend with you and yoru ex and his mom waiting below (probably basically for you to fall)

    now not knowing you it's hard to interpret this as there are some questions that would make a difference for example

    Did you and yoru ex live together in this current home you were afraid of falling off of?

    if so it's simply a case of a new secruity issue, you feel insecure whether subconciously or in the reality too, you are not quite a 100% sure if you made the right choice with yoru current boyfriend and you're afraid, you are subconciously weighing out your options about whether this new fellow is right and whether you made the rgiht choice.

    If you left your ex then that makes the above even more so.

    If you and your ex didn't live together or not in that house, it could still mean the same thing that you are weighing out your choice that you made to take on this current fellow and you still have a small reservation when it comes to your last boyfriend.

    You need to tell yourself that a choice was made and be in the now, enjoy the new fellow adn don't worry about the ex....when we make a choice we have to believe it's the right one.

    hope that helps

  3. that you are scared that your ex and your new guy are going to clash.

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