
What could this possibly be?

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Well this happened the other day I kind of pushed it off as nothing but now that I think about it im a little worried.

The other day I was sitting watching tv and my mom was in the kitchen she asked me to grab a garbage bag from the top shelf.

When I went up to grab it I started to get real hot and felt like I was gonna pass out it lasted about 15 seconds and I regained my composure and grabbed the bag. What do you think this is im starting to worry this is the first time its happened.

Im 16 years old


and about 160 pounds

Any help is appreciated.




  1. You probably got up too fast and all the blood rushed to your head. It happens to me all the time. If you're worried about it, go to the doctor. If it's anything else other than that...e-mail me

    answer mine;...

  2. i think you got up  to fast, you should be ok kid

  3. Its called a HEAD RUSH

    it happens when you are either sitting or lying down for a period of time and stand up quickly. When you stand up quickly your heart has to work harder all of a sudden to pump blood upwards against gravity. Also the act of standing up quickly pushes blood downwards away from your brain resulting in a temporary head rush. Its nothing to be worried about.

  4. could have gotten up to fast

  5. hmm, my best guess is that your equilibrium was off. it happens to me alot, espessialy right after i get up. I stand up and get super dizzy, and sometimes everything gets black, after about 10 sec. it gets better. i asked my dr. about it and he said it was just my equilibrium. if you have allergies this will throw it off bad....

    hope this helps...

  6. ohhh, the same thing happens to me when i get up from sitting, i get dizzy for about 3 seconds. blood rushing to your head.

  7. i do the exact same thing, i dont have a clue what it could be. but dont get too freaked out, you should ask a doctor just to be safe

  8. hmmm.... maybe a bad flush? If i were you i'd tell your mum about it - maybe there is some history in the family about something like that - maybe ask to see a doctor.

    who knows, maybe you were just straining yourself a bit much.

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