
What could we call this generation?

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We live in a day and time where there are no heros to look up to, everything must be "Politically correct" , all morals have gone down the toilet, and self-satisfaction is thought to be more important than anything else. What could we possibly name this generation?




  1. Why do we have to call a generation anything?  We have been so busy naming generations that never actually identify the whole of the generation but more of what the elders see of that generation.  Why can't they just be kids growing up? I think the real question is Why do we have an issue to label everything?  As for your attack on no heroes? There are heroes all around us and we just have to take the time to see who we look up to.  How horrible we want people to be politically correct- Of, relating to, or supporting broad social, political, and educational change, especially to redress historical injustices in matters such as race, class, gender, and sexual orientation. Of course you could go with the definition of the 2007 winner of the Texas A&M University competion to define a contemporary term:

    "Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t**d by the clean end."

    As for morals going down the toilet; for some maybe; but not for all.  The same goes for self satisfaction.  These things are not new they have been around for all the generations before this one.

  2. You could name it the same for every generation.  Nothing's special about the troubles in the world today, just the way it presents itself.  Since the begins of human existence there has always been times where people just can't seem to get things right, with everything going dismally until people finally decide it would be in best interest, not for themselves, but for everyone, to work for a better cause.  So when you think poor us over something as that, look at a history book and you'll see who really should.

  3. we are the ipod generation

  4. I would call it  Generation "Text"

    Nobody talks anymore and everyone writes in text language.

    Why doesn't this generation protest the war in Iraq or something like that.  Then you would be remembered.

    Gen X is nothing more than flannel shirts and Nirvana.  That's their entire legacy.

    The Y Generation left nothing.  Y ask?

  5. generation metro

  6. well this generation has alot of electronics like ipods ,cellphones, laptops and alot of other stuffand most kids have all of those . but i dont know the generation name

  7. The whole generation-naming thing is stupid.  Baby Boomers who were born in 1960 were probably a lot closer to the Gen X's who were born in 1965 than they were the Baby Boomers from the late 1940's.  It's the same with all the "generations."

  8. Every 20 years there is a new generation ... I'm sick of labeling everyone by when they were born .

  9. The New and Unimproved.

  10. How about generation "confused." Reading some of the responses here makes me wonder who raised these individuals. To be honest, I feel sorry for younger adults today. They seem so confused about many things. It's as if there are no truths, just opinions and what makes you happy. There is no right or wrong, everything has become subjective. This nihilistic approach will only lead to more confusion and a decreased understanding of Life. How can anyone expect to navigate life successfully when there are no truths and social norms have been replaced by absolute personal preferences.

  11. The iGen.

  12. Gen. E,    for entitlement

    Gen. S   for slackers

  13. Speak for yourself that there are no heroes to look up to. I have plenty.

    And what you call "morals" going down the toilet, I call unfair and ridiculous restraints on normal human behavior (guilt over normal human sexuality, shame at being born g*y, etc.) going down the toilet.

    Po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe.

  14. the missing out generation, they miss out on good perental control & manners, they miss out on being able to feel safe when they go out in fear of contracting a std or being assulted for nothing.

  15. I've heard it called the 'me' generation, and the pop culture generation.

    I have also heard it called the generation of prosperity. Our culture is struggling with unprecedented prosperity, which makes it easy to be self-indulgent. Even our poor have comforts like a home, running water and a cell phone.

  16. Generation Self centered over indulgence...

    Generation "What ever makes you happy"...

    Generation Gimme Gimme Mine Mine!!!...

    Generation entitled spoiled rotten brats...

    Those are just some of my ideas...

    Good Question!

  17. Generation R, for Retarded.

    Also, morals down the toilet? What are you talking about? Most kids are more polite nowadays than they ever were (going based off social norms of the time period, it's society that's changed, not the kids). Hero's? We've trained the kids to look up to themselves, to believe that THEY are heros! Self satisfaction is a good thing, it's something to look up to, it's motivation to drive a young intelligent person to achieve more than they ever thought possible!

    Oh...wait... what the h**l am I talking about? This generation is full of whining trustafarians more concerned with their weight or the color of their shoes than their grades, economy, or politics. Wow, how did I mix those up?

  18. Brainwashed Generation, y'know the ones that go gaga over Jonas Bros. and Miley Cyrus and haven't been told anything by their parents. Y'know, the ones that all live in a Disney-ish envrioment. It's not their fault. It's the media. No offense to all y'all out there who is looking up to 'em pawp stars.

  19. Oh dear, you know you're old when ..........

    ........ you think that all youths are bad, nobody has any morals and things were better in the 'good old days'

  20. I think you have a horrible view of today's youth.  I would suggest turning off the TV and talk to real kids.  Most are pretty good.

    I have heard the "Me Generation" being referred to those up to their 30's....young generation Xers.

    I would call them the Tech Generation though.

  21. I second iGeneration. It alludes to these digital times and the availability and high consumption of of hi tech gizmos, gadgets and media; the effects of this technology/ media on today's life (kids are now "mini-adults", they lead sedentary lives and are overly worried about celebrities, their looks, brand names) and how self-obsessed, self-absorbed, self-serving, narcissistic and entitled many of these kids are.

  22. Aren't we already called generation y (or of the two)? I'm confused.

    And morals are very subjective. So what might be immoral to you, may be moral to others. We define our morals in different ways and many people are not satisfied with having some elitist fatty tell them what right and wrong is. People are disillusioned with religion too, which I don't blame them for. It's limiting and selective and picky AND on top of that, it's full of judgmental retards. People will find new ways to define morality, because humans (despite what many people claim), long for organization and are generally anti-chaos.

    I think our generation is very close to their parents. So much so that they DO feel like they can ask for anything, because their parents are their friends. They can go to them for anything and they feel safe and stable with their parents. Parents have also taught their children that what they have isn't a privilage, but a right. University is no longer something that is a "want" but a "need" and is treated as such. I don't think this makes it seem as if they feel entitled to some things, but the past generation worked hard to get where we are. We don't want our children to have to work as hard, because we are trying to make life more pleasurable. What's wrong with that?

    I don't think people give the new generation enough credit. They have a lot of problems to deal with and they are going to take it on. I think it's wonderful that this new generation is so accepting and understanding of cultures and people in general. I'm cheering them on! I'm cheering myself on.

  23. For people born between 1984 and 1993, the generation is called The Millennial. Others think the generation spans from 1979 to 1994.

    The characteristics you described is what happens to kids are thrown in day orphanages at an extremely young age. This was the first generation where most of the kids weren't raised by primarily by their mothers, but by strangers. Most people use to look up to their parents, but who is going to look up to their parents when they throw them into a strange environment at an extremely young age? They are ATMs more than anything else.

    Self satisfaction is a result of relying on yourself at an early age. Most of you have hostility, but it is subconscious. Free association would bring out a lot of that hostility.

    Morals that are about caring for others and duty like those philosophies of religion and deontological philosophies are dying. They use to be things that were taught by parents (most parents are deadbeats), and either religion or studying philosophy, two things that aren't acknowledged in modern society. The morals there are, are consequentialist moral philosophies. People do good things to please themselves, not out of duty.

    The last two generations screwed up America. This generation can deal with their mistakes or change things for the better. Personally, I would love to see a revolution, but people are too busy with their obsession with material to care about this dying nation. As long as they look good and feel good, why worry is the thinking of the modern neanderthal.

  24. The ME ME ME generation?

    The PAMPERED BRATS generation?

    The BRAINWASHED generation?

    The POL-COR generation?

  25. the @$$hole generation lol

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