
What could win in a drag race a yz85 or a crf150f?

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What could win in a drag race a yz85 or a crf150f?




  1. Listen to Nike - just do it!

  2. What could win?

    Either one of them could win.

    Pointless question.

  3. On the take of yz85 and on the long run crf150f.

  4. Ummm

  5. You guys are pulling it out of your a**. A yz 85 will smoke the 150f. The crf 150R will take the yz85 by a little in an all out drag but the f model trail bike will be choking on the dust. I challange an adult to keep the front end down on a fresh yx85 in the first 3 gears if you let her run full out. I think you guys are confusing the f with the R hondas. My son's KX85 has a higher top speed than my other son's yz125. The 85's are rockets.

    That being said dosen't make the 150f any less bike. It is easier to handle in the tight stuff for most riders and has it's place as a long running trail/woods bike whereas the 85 eats pistons/tires/chains/sprockets if riden hard.

  6. i hav a crf150f and it will win....

    yz85 are fast, but they cannot comepete with an engine that has 65 more ccs

  7. depends a lot on the rider...the yz85 is a two stroke built for racing and is quick and fast...a crf 150f is a 4 stroke dirt/trail guess is a yz85 with a decent rider would win hands, I have seen yz85 drag race with the new crf150r ...the crf150r usually blows them out of the water..again it depends on the rider.......

  8. no question about it, the crf 150!!!!!

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