
What could you as an individual contribute to world peace?

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It is obvious that the governments of the world are not able to reach a solution as to what can bring about world peace so do you think if we the peoples of the world worked as a unified front we would be able to accomplish what the politicians cannot.




  1. common appreciation( I don't know how to spell it)

  2. Support the U.S. military and a strong national defense!

  3. Peace has to start at an individual level, then spread from there:

  4. You have to renounce war as an individual.

  5. Sort of as all it really takes is for every individual to control themselves properly, control their actions ~ reactions, control themselves for their emotions.

    Peace starts inside of every one of us - based upon how we ~ individually ~ behave.

    It follows that if all of us controlled ourselves properly then the World becomes Peace-full

  6. It's a phrase from 30 years ago but is a partial answer to your question:  Think globally, act locally.

  7. At Halloween collect for UNICEF?  

    Don't you just love to see all those smiling children's faces with their sweat hands around those little white cans.

  8. People underestimate the ability of public opinion in preventing and ending a war. Politicians need to be elected and thus are less likely to go to war (democratic peace theory). People need to stand up to the gov't whether it be protest, non-violent action ect. It may not end all war but it can be effective in slowing down the deployment of troops or politicains may take measures to lower the amount of violence.

    In a perfect world there would be peace. But that would involve agreement from everyone that war is wrong. Unfortunatly war is good for the economy and the easiest way for leaders to pursue the self interest of their country.

    A realist would argue that there will always be war b/c we are all self interested. Liberal on the other hand would argue that through interdependence and cooperation, we can elimiate war.

    With that said, individuals matter but there are bigger things at play.

  9. I am voting for a candidate( Paul ) that would end the US occupation of much of the world. He is against treating Russia so harshly the way we have. The Missile Defense on Russias border is pretty harsh and violating the one concern they had when the USSR collapsed by marching NATO into land they controlled rather recently. We have forced them into the Arms of China. We should stop playing twiddly winks in the middle east and start worrying about the threat a Russia and China alliance could do to us. We need to stop criticizing Russian democracy because ours is far from perfect, and we need to make new overtures of freindship to her, in more than rhetoric.

  10. I could join the Marines, but I think I'm too old.

    Love Jack

  11. The last time we the people set out to end a war (Vietnam), we succeeded. So why are we not actively protesting now? In March it will be the 5th anniversary of the beginning of Bush's war of aggression in Iraq. There will be a huge demonstration in Washington, DC. Will you be there?

  12. no. Look at just the people fighting over the Holy land. Both sides worship the same d**n thing and its basically the same views yet they keep blowing themselves up over sharing it. It's insane. SO its really not the politicians that should be making the difference but stupid people. God must love them since he made so many of them. Just live your life..thats all there is to it.

  13. I'm not going to say that 'One [person] can make a difference'  but one person can try to by....

    1.) Getting debt free and staying debt free. As the song goes, 'money makes the world go 'round' by living within your means YOU are not contributing to making 'their' world 'go 'round!

    2.) Sorting your trash and Recycle everything. Go out and let people SEE you Recycling to establish a public perception that 'Hey, at least someone actually recycles and maybe I should......'

    3.) Reduce your carbon-foot print, that's a hard one but you have to take a long view on it and do what you can.

    4.) Vote! Vote for people who support PEACE. If you have two bad choices, don't choose the lesser of two evils, vote for the biggest loser as a 'vote of no confidence' in the established order. You are NOT throwing your vote away!

    5.) Read, study and learn from the past so as not to repeat it in the future. Knowledge IS power!

    6.) Last but not least, do not poison your mind with hate and fear or blame others for the problems you face. Often life sucks but it only gets worse when you listen to people who preach hate or fear and blame others refusing to take responsibility for the choices they make.

  14. Yeah, I'm not interested in world peace.

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