
What could you do with 1 000 000 000 Timbits?

by  |  earlier

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  1. That's why God invented landfill. Hint: I am not a fan of Tim's.

  2. What I would do is eat them one at a time!  What would that tell you about me in a job interview???!!!

  3. get really really fat!

  4. That would give me an almost never-ending supply of ammunition for a crossbow that shoots ping-pong balls. Timbits fly real good, too. :)

  5. keep some and give the rest away

  6. I would give them all away to people who are in need of it, but I'd keep 10 of them... to eat in 10 different ways :)

  7. Roll them down mount Everest. Just because it would be fun!

  8. Fill a large swimming pool and JUMP!!!!!

  9. I would give them to the local food bank to help fight hunger. A lot of people don't know this but there are a lot of street people in Toronto and a lot of working poor who cannot afford to buy food after paying their rent-even with two or three jobs. :-(

  10. Ill fly thousands of feet up in the air, then let the timbits rain down..

    or i'll make a timbit trail along yonge street.. i'll see how far north i can go..

    or along the 401 lol..  or stack it and match the height of the CN tower?

    in any case.. i wanna share my timbits..

    but there's probably also 1 000 000 000 different ways to do that

  11. I would use a clean toothpick or something sharp and poke little eyes, nose and a smile into the timbits. I will then give these smiley timbits to people living in old age homes, children who are ill and veterans who must know that people still remember and care about them even if it's not memorial day.

    Or maybe thread a string through each and hang them on trees. We can have timbit trees where humans and squirrels finally have a showdown over the yummy things. :)

  12. squish them together to make one HUGE DONUT

    and order a double double on the side - its going to take a while to finish

  13. Let them dry. Wet them down so they're sticky and build another office tower for downtown Toronto. We can use the sticky glaze for windows when it dries.

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