
What could you find in your home that would dissolve a army man

by  |  earlier

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  1. love and having a peace in mind

  2. If it's a plastic army man, nail polish remover would do the trick.

  3. u got some skeletons in the closest? hydrochoric acid will do the trick.. but i don't think you got any of that in a normal home... if your talking about an little green toy army man then try anything acidic or base... like nail polish remover

  4. I love vacuum cleaner smells

  5. Run an electric current through salt water.  It'll turn the water into bleach and hydrochloric acid. But make sure you dip him in slowly feet first to maximize the pain.

  6. dunno about dissolve but you could the microwave to melt it

  7. why? mate you have too much time on your hands!!

  8. throw it in your fire place

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