
What could you work as while studying to be a pediatrician?

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Something to do with medical (not McDonalds, etc.)




  1. Well lets see, are you talking about while still in med school? good luck with that. Unless you soak up things easily and are extremely organized you don't have a lot of time to have a job. Your third and fourth years you get moved around a lot from rotation to rotation, so you can't really hold down a job then either.

  2. You could work as a medical receptionist at a pediatric office.

  3. A pediatric residency (or any residency, really) is the equivalent of 2 full time jobs.  You don't have time to eat, sleep or use the bathroom.  Exactly when do you propose to work?

  4. I would think something with children. Working at a preschool, or being a nanny would give you great exposure to kids.Volunteering is also a great way to get experience and usually you will do things that give you greater flexibility and preference than a paid job. If there is a health clinic in your area/near your school, see if you can volunteer there or work part-time.

  5. I would work as at a childrens school

  6. Pangolin and Troy are both right.  I knew a very few people who managed to work some kind of a job while in medical school--usually it was lab work where as long as they got stuff done it didn't matter what their hours were.

    None of them looked all that healthy.

    Anyone trying to hold down another job during residency would have to be insane.

    If you're talking about stuff you could do prior to medical school that might give you good experience to build on and to put on your CV when applying, working in a pediatric office is a good idea, or you could volunteer at a hospital on the pediatric floor.

  7. 1st off in med school they dont want you to work at all, all of your time will be dedicated to studies, 2nd when you do residency you will decide if pediatrics is really what you want to do,if it is you will do a fellowship in peds. Thats when you will be working.

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