
What countrie make up latin?

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What countrie make up latin?




  1. The only country where latin is commonly spoken is Vatican City.

  2. Your question makes no sense.

    If you are asking what countries make up Latin America (the cultural region that comprises of parts of North, Central and South America, there are different versions. Most experts will agree that Latin America is compromised of all countries in the Americas which speak a Latin -derived language such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, ect. In that point of view, Latin America is compromised of Mexico (North America); all of South America and Central America, as well as a few Carribean Countries (Cuba, Dominican Republic, ect.).

  3. The countries that do make up Latin America are:

    Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Beliza, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Panama, Paragauy, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic

  4. I suggest that you read this link for it is very interesting.

  5. First of all, country is mispelled.  Are you asking about Latin America or about the Latin race?  Well, Latin America is made of Central America and South America.  Central America includes Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, etc.  South America includes Brazil, Peru, Chile, Panama, Paragauy, Uruguay, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, etc.  Now, other Latin countries in the Carribean are Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Cuba.  In Europe the Latin countries are Spain, Portugal, Italy, Romania, and France.  Why?  Because during the Roman Empire latin was the official language.  The barbaric tribes they invaded adopted the latin language and mixed it into their own dialects.  As a result, the following languages were created: Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese, Catalan, Gallego...  Later, Christopher Columbus discovered the New World and that is why South and Central Amercica are called Latin America.  Latin is not a race, it is a dead language.  I suggest you buy a world map and take some geograpy and history courses.

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