
What countries can a philippine passport holder go into without a visa?

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except ASEAN countries.

pls enumerate





  1. All nations require a visa.  It is most often just a stamp on a page of your passport, but some countries require a separate visa issued from an embassy or tourist bureau..  Youe state department or what is equal can tell you which countries require a separate vissa.  You could ask a travel agent as well.

  2. All ASEAN countries plus Hong Kong. That's all that I'm aware of. If you want to know the visa requirement of a specific country, find their government's website under tourism and they usually spell out their visa requirements by country for  foreign visitors.

    The reason that Filipinos have such restricted world travel options is because most countries consider the average Filipino to be a high risk for over staying and working illegally in their country.

  3. The Philippines

  4. NOT Australia..sorry

    i actually doubt you have many options as with alot of asian countries that are not developed or are known to migration problematic

  5. besides the ASEAN countries? i know of none,

  6. Apart from ASEAN countries, there are some countries in South America you can enter without a visa e.g. Peru, Guatamela.  However, in Guatamela you need to secure a tourist card when you arrive at their airport.  Check the list of source on where I got my information.

    Also, visiting Republic of Palau doesn't require a visa too;P

    You can do more research on other countries that we don't need visa to enter and let us know.

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