
What countries have 6 months daylight and 6 months night?

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i heard this in a video. is it really 6 months, anyone have any knowledge/info about this topic?




  1. alaska. countries nearing the north and south poles.

  2. I think some places in the extreme poles like Antarctica.  

  3. alaska.

    this country has 6 months all light and 6 months all dark

    this country also has highest suicide ratong because they lack year round endorfins(sp?) from the sun which make you happy.

  4. well in baffin island which is in canada there is 6 monthes of light and 6 monthes of night  its all places in the artic circle

  5. well, every country technically!  half of the year is sun and half of the year is dark because half the day is sun and half the day is dark- DUH!

  6. There are only two places in the world where there is a full 6 months day and 6 months night. These are the north and south poles.

    Many countries share the poles, because the countries extend northwards as far as the pole. As far I know, the territories of Alaska, Canada and Russia all meet at the north pole, so any of those could qualify. At the south pole even more countries may claim it.

  7. Alaska in the U.S: look it up on google

  8. none it is a gradual swing

    at the north poll or Antarctica  the Sun  stays up or down for about 3 months and slowly transistion between the two the other 6 months

  9. Countries near the poles and within the arctic circle have 6 months of night, and six months of day (so to speak... at times it's more like a constant sunrise or sunset), because the Earth tilts on it's axis with the poles pointing toward and away from the sun. For those of us closer to the equator, the sun rises and sets as the Earth rotates. For those people at the poles, it's either shining all day, or not, and at times they have shortened days and nights.

    It's also why the days are shorter during the winter than they are in the summer -- that's true no matter where you live. The further north or south you are from the equator, the shorter the days will be in the winter.

  10. umm... none.  The video is wrong.  There is no place and I mean no place on earth that is dark or light for that long at a time.  Not even at the poles.  

  11. The only place(s) on earth where there would only be one sunrise and one sunset/year would be the poles. No country exists at the poles, so the answer would be "none"

    The most northern countries would have something close to the 6mo day/6 mo night for at least those portions of the country which are inside the arctic circle. Nothern parts of the US's Alaska, Finland and Iceland amongst others would qualify then.


  12. Northern Norway, parts of Alaska and Siberia -those countries that fall within the artic circle: example

    The Arctic Circle is one of the five major circles of latitude that mark maps of the Earth. It is the parallel of latitude that runs 66° 33′ 39″ (or 66.56083°) north of the Equator. The region north of this circle is known as the Arctic, and the zone just to the south is called the Northern Temperate Zone. The equivalent latitude in the Southern Hemisphere is called the Antarctic Circle.

    The Arctic Circle marks the southern extremity of the polar day (24 hour sunlit day, often referred to as the "midnight sun") and polar night (24 hour sunless night). North of the Arctic Circle, the sun is above the horizon for 24 continuous hours at least once per year, and below the horizon for 24 continuous hours at least once per year. On the Arctic Circle these events occur, in principle, exactly once per year, at the June and December solstices respectively.

  13. Its not six months, its only one or two, maybe even three. It happens in the southern and northern poles, in summer the southern pole is in darkness and the northern in light and vise verca. Also be aware that's its not total darkness nor is it total light, more like dawn or evening light.

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