
What countries have been expelled from the United Nations?

by Guest31875  |  earlier

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What countries have been expelled from the United Nations?




  1. Cuba, North Korea, and Irak

  2. Taiwan was displaced from the Security Council and rightfully replaced by the Peoples Republic of China. This lost it its official membership of the UN because it was deemed not to be an independent state formation.

    The sahara is a contested area without clear sovereignty hence doesn't have a seat in the UN.

    Colonial Rhodesia never gained a seat in the UN as far as I can tell. Neither did Namibia which was a protectorate of South Africa. Only after independence assured Namibia of its sovereignty did it become a member state of the UN.

    The principal condition for membership to the UN is therefore a sovereign self governing state formation with a fully fledged government.

  3. No one has ever been expelled. It's not what the UN does or is. All countries are included. All you need is a government the money to pay the dues. There are currently 188 counties in the UN. Some are permanent members and some aren't. The Security Counsel is where the real power lies. Read John Bolton's new book, Surrender is not an Option.

  4. You don't actually get expelled from the UN. There is always lots of calls to have countries expelled, however it never happens. Provided that you have a government and you say you are peace loving, you have membership.

    Interestingly. Taiwan lost its member status (as it is not officially an independent state) and has never been reinstated. Western Sahara also has no representation as the government is in dispute.

  5. More importantly...What would the ramifications be if the United States were to expel the United Nations from US soil?

    They are peacekeepers by design...why are they now expected to be peacemakers?

  6. Republic of China

  7. No countries have actually been expelled from the United Nations. Taiwan was replaced as the legitimate voice of mainland China and Indonesia did temporally withdraw from the UN for a few weeks back in 1965.

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