
What countries influenced Mexico?

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such as influences on their culture.




  1. Germany, just listen to their music. It is basically a polka.

  2. America has a little to do with it. South America pretty much though.

  3. Here are just a few

    Spain -  Roman Catholicism, Latin culture and traditions

    Germanic nations - music [Polkas, etc], beer brewing [industry established by German/Swiss/Austrian immigrants]

    France - Mariachi tradition [begun during the reign of Maximilian, played with mostly European-originated instruments],

    US -  "Executive/Legislative/Judiciary" model of government, constitutions

  4. Well I would say Kashmir mostly.


  5. Spain, France and the US

  6. Spain mostly.

  7. Social Influence:

    Spain is the main country that influenced the pre-hispanic culures in old Latin-America (Aztecs, Mayas, Toltecs, etc etc). Spaniard Legacy is still visable this days, Colonial Architechture, Old Catholic Churches, Language, etc etc.

    Spain conquer most of Central and South America and named NEW SPAIN to the territory that became Mexico a few centuries later.

    There were some French influence also. After the Mexican independence of Spain in the early 1800, the old mexican aristochracy (supported by the catholics and the French Military) claimed Maximiliano de Habsburgo (European Noble) to be the King of the New Mexican Empire.

    In early 1900 and after the Mexican Revolution, Mexico received inmigrants and refugees of the World Wars and other wars in the world. This inmigrants were jewish and "arabs" (they came from Lebanon, Syria, Old Palestine, Iraq etc etc but the old mexicans identify them as arabs). These communities became very wealthy through the years.

    In the recent years, inmigration from Argentina and ex pats from the US and Canada has been growing a lot and they are changing the face of many towns through out Mexico every day....

    Economic Influence:

    Spaniards influenced the most in the old times and the US did since the last century.

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