
What countries is male circumcision performed in as older boys or adults?

by Guest60794  |  earlier

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What countries is male circumcision performed in as older boys or adults?




  1. Many of the Arab-Muslim countries circumcise boys anywere from 2 weeks of age up thru 13 or 14 and in some rare cases even older.  The Turks usually circumcise at ages 4, 6 or 8 or even 10-12.  A lot of the Arab countries tend to circumcise at the 2 week age now, but again you have variations.  In countries like Morocco where you have a large Berber or Amazigh population they tend toward age 4 and up.  So there is not any set answer on this one.

  2. Boys are not circumcised until childhood or older in Turkey and other Muslim nations, the Philippines, and South Korea. Also most of the primitive societies where circumcision originated do not circumcise until a boy is older- such as African tribes, and Pacific Islanders.

    Circumcision is noth the norm for most men around the world though- 80% of men worldwide NEVER get circumcised. Circumcision is not practiced, or is uncommon, in all of europe, central and south america, australia, and most of Asia.  

  3. The only country I can think of is the Philippines where it is a cultural ritual for males to be circumcised as older boys.

    The only other countries where circumcision is common are Israel, the USA, South Korea and Muslim nations.

  4. The Land of The Republican religious right has planned for us.


    the United states, parts of canada, korea, the phillipines, circumcise on a cultural basis.  Muslims and Jews circumcise for religious reasons, but all countries circumcise older boys and adults for medical reasons.

  6. The only country that I can think of that does circumcision on older boys is The Philippines. In that country circumcision is a rite of passage into adulthood. In most other countries that practice circumcision, they do it either at birth (like in the US or in the Arab world) or 8 days after birth (Israel) in accordance with the Jewish tradition. With the exception of the US, The Philippines and South Korea, countries that are not Jewish or Muslim by majority generally don't practice circumcision on boys.  

  7. Muslim countries

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