
What countries make up Great Britain in the Olympics?

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What countries make up Great Britain in the Olympics?




  1. England, Scotland, and Wales.

  2. England



    Northern Ireland

  3. Wouldn't Great Britain represent the countries that it usually represents?

    Ireland, England, Scotland, etc.

  4. Butterfly, you must have failed

    It would be worse if you actually live in England..hehe

  5. This is always a confusing topic for me too.

    Here's what i've found.

    the UNITED KINGDOM (UK) is a group of islands -

    The biggest island is called Great Britain and is divided into England Scotland and Wales.

    Northern Ireland is also a part of the United Kingdom but it's actually part of the land mass of the REPUBLIC OF IRELAND but is separated from it by a border. There are many tiny islands that also make up part of the UK.

    To summarize -

    the UK = Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) + Northern Ireland + other tiny islands around Great Britain...

    here are some links so that you can see a picture of it all

  6. Great Britain, United Kingdom and England is the same country. They are different names for saying the same thing/country..Wales is a state/province not an independant country...

    Ireland and Scotland are not part of Great Britain..Just like Canada and the U,S are different countries and not the same one..

  7. Oh Butterfly, you are so WRONG!!!!

    Scotland, England and Wales = Great Britain!!

    Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland = United Kingdom.

    We are countries, not states, within a Kingdom.

    Ireland (not Northern Ireland) is a seperate country with it's own Government and currency!!

    Please get your facts right before posting on ANY blog!!

  8. oh my.. Butterfly, I think there will be a lot of scots out there rather surprised to hear that!  

  9. Random Normal was spot on-those are the countries in Great Britain.

    Butterfly get an atlas out-quick!

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