
What countries speak mandarin chinese?

by Guest57137  |  earlier

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I figured out 70% of China speaks mandarin. But what other countries other then china speak the majority of mandarin? I've done some reaserach and I've gotten Singapore, Taiwan, and Honk Kong?

And a seperate question is Hong Kong apart of China?




  1. There is no doubt that Hong Kong is part of China.

    Besides China,there are many Chinese speakers in Singapore,Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Brunei, Thailand, the Philippines, Russia, the USA, Vietnam, Laos, UK and Mauritius.

    It can be said that as long as there are Chinese, there are Chinese.

  2. some people living in Asian countries around China speak Mandarin Chinese as mother tongue

    HK = China

  3. yes, Hong Kong is part of China, however, people generally speak Cantonese but not mandarin. Mandarin mainly speak in tourist areas.

    after the handover in 1997, students have to learn mandarin at school, so the young generation can speak better mandarin

  4. china, taiwan, and hong kong are governed by the same government, and since Mandarin is the official language, they mostly speak it,

  5. Mandarin was originally the language spoken by Chinese officials, most of whom came from Beijing. Their language was called guānyŭ (Official Language) in Chinese. The word Mandarin comes, via Portuguese, from the Sanskrit word mandari (commander). The Portuguese used the term to refer both to the Chinese people and their language.

    Mandarin is known as pŭtōnghuà (common language) or bĕijīnghuà (Beijing language) in China, guóyŭ (national language) in Taiwan, and huáyŭ (Chinese language) in Singapore and Malaysia.

    Today Mandarin is the main language of government, the media and education in China and Taiwan, and one of the four official languages in Singapore. There are approximately 870 million Mandarin speakers.

    Just over 53% of the population of China or 690 million people are able to speak Mandarin, according to the Xinhua news agency. In China's cities, about 66% speak Mandarin, while only 45% speak it in the countryside. Around 70% of people between the ages of 15 and 29 speak the language, while only 30% of those over 60 can speak it.

    There ares at least a further 25 million or so Mandarin speakers elsewhere, especially in Taiwan (20 million) and Singapore (1.5 million), and also in Malaysia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Brunei, Thailand, the Philippines, Russia, the USA, Vietnam, Laos, UK and Mauritius.

    Hong Kong is on China's south coast and is apart of china

  6. Hong Kong became a part of China again in 1997, it won't be communist though until 2047. People there born before 1997 have dual citizenship like my best friend Mai Lin

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