
What country are women still faced with an oppressive political environment?

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What should they do about it?

I know muslim countries probably, but what are muslim countries? Iran?idk? and what do they do to them anyway?




  1. All countries, Muslim and otherwise.  Some more than others.

  2. AN iranian myself, most of iran is filled with youth, and "no one" (majority) gives a **** about islam. Just the stupid governments (both america, and I.R Iran). I.R Iran forcing their dumb laws that most people break anyways, and america making iran sound like a "**** hole".

    Anyways why do they do it? Because they believe that woman are supposedly be kept "safe", By safe i mean, they make them wear burkas, make them stay indoors, let them do all the "woman" things, all this is supposedly to make the female feel "better"/"comfortable", but at the end its like you stick a woman in a tank, and you control "its" life. She can't do anything!

    Well i know for sure southern afghanistan is like this, woman are very oppressed, mainly the "poor" areas of islamic countries are filled with people like this.

  3. The answer would be Iran and Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia It is illegal for women to drive (probably a good idea). Iran has extremely harsh laws in terms of a womens role in adultery. Courts are also biased towards male opinion which can cause injustice in sensitive trials such as rape.

    However, most Muslim countries practise open and equal laws for women and men though some do have quite male dominated cultures. This is mainly down to the Qu'ran which states that women are here to serve men, but have an equal role in society. Interpretation unsuprisingly can be confusing.  There is nothing in there stating social restrictions. It is quite similar to the bible in that respect.

    However, tribal culture has quite a big influence on some Muslim countries and this culture is undoubtedly extreme. For example, there is a problem in Turkey with Kurdish tribes carrying out honour killings which are illegal in Turkey, where the national religion is Islam though secular. Some Kurdish tribes have gone as far as calling the Turkish government 'racists' because of there laws banning such actions!

    Countries with tribal cultures such as Pakistan have varied freedoms for women depending where you are. In rural areas women can be treated harshly, but in the cities it is a lot different. Lets not forget Pakistan has voted a women as president twice. How many female presidents have you had in America?

  4. Iraq was a hope at one time and so was Iran untill The Shah and after the   lslamic Revolution. Egypt is another as it is not a religious country in that way. Authorities arrest The Muslim Brother Hood said to be Opressive types. Saudi Arabia is an oppresive place but so is The U.S.A. still on abortion issues and Intelligent Design. Not as much as others though. Of course scientists in The Middle East and Global Warming is not the focus people have. Brainwashed fanatics of the religious types battling Consumer Fanatics seems to be the focus.One is thought of to exclusion of other.

  5. One of Booger eating Bu$h's favorites

    Internal security forces and "religious police" (mutawwa'in) contribute an intimidating presence and help keep citizens and foreign residents in check. The Interior Ministry's feared Directorate of General Investigations (al-mabahith al-'amma) monitors suspected political opponents and others, targets individuals for arrest, and interrogates detainees. Mabahith agents operate with impunity and have been responsible for a wide range of human rights abuses, including arbitrary arrest, incommunicado detention, and torture.

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