
What country can I go to to see the moon where it is giant???

by  |  earlier

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From where I am, the moon seems so tiny...I want to travel to where the moon is close




  1. well i went on the moon so haha

  2. depends on the time of year.

  3. The Moon is exactly the same size everywhere on Earth. Those pictures where the Moon appears huge are shot with telephoto lenses.

  4. ZZZ when ur on S.E.A, you will see the moon the shape of >>>>>> O

  5. I'm afraid the only place you can go to see the moon larger is into space. Everyone on Earth is about the same distance from the moon (give or take a little), and therefore it appears the same size from everywhere.

    The moon does appear bigger when on the horizon, but this is just an optical illusion. And those classic shots of an enormous, screen-filling moon during those romantic film moments - just special effects, or a carefully-positioned camera with a telephoto lens.

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