
What country did Queen Elizabeth I rule in?

by  |  earlier

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and where can i get some maps from 1558 where she ruled in?

p.s. ive already searched the internet but wasnt able to find some




  1. Didn't she rule England?

  2. Are you kidding me?

  3. England.  

    For everything else you want to know about her, check out the link below. The "Links of Interest" will take you just about everywhere, even to the official site.

  4. great Britain

  5. None!!!!  She tried to rule England, but really didn’t do a very good job.

    It’s really kind of sad you couldn’t find out what country she ruled by yourself.  And do me a favour, don’t bring up that bee yatch’s name in this forum again!!

  6. england

  7. england, france, and ireland


  8. Mount Wannahawkaloogie. Great Place.

  9. England, but I'm not sure about the maps, sorry.

  10. england.

  11. she ruled in england and in ireland

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