
What country do the best exchange students come from?

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What country do the best exchange students come from?

We are currently hosting a collage age student that will be leaving in August. He is from South Korea and find him to be VERY dirty; leaving hair in the tub, on the sink and counter, on the floor, leaving food in his room, never making his bed...

What country would a student be from that better meets our cleanliness and etiquette? China, Japan, Twain, etc...




  1. you can never go wrong at studying in Malaysia! there are international, well renown colleges and universities to choose from! a whole variety of courses to major in and the best thing is, you're just paying the tuition fees at such an affordable price! it's faily cheap here!! just visit! the staff will assist you and answer your questions!

    Malaysia has been getting a lot of foreign students from india, nepal, thailand, china, japan, korea. america, sweden, aussie, myanmar, indonesia. singapore, brunei, etc. they have all chosen to study here cos of the education here is highly recognized internationally and the fees are very reasonable!

    US$100 is like RM300 and UK Pounds 100 is a hefty RM600!!! it's that cheap, you can definitely afford the house rent, buying your groceries and going shopping!! you'll even have change to have a night's out while you're taking a break from assignments! just visit the website! you wont regret it!

    good luck!

  2. I now living in China.I'm also an exchange student.I think China is a good city and has a high teaching standard.You can look this Chinese Universities' ranking.It's provided by China Service Mall---The worldwide greatest reservation center for China service.

    I wish you'll happy every day!

  3. My parents hosted several students over the years after I left.   The boy is dirty like this because he was raised in a very traditional family where the mom did all those things for him.  My husband is from Russia and it's the same way there.  His mom still makes his brother's bed - his brother is 23.  

    The poor kid doesn't know any better and has never been taught how to do these things.  He just doesn't think about it.  His mom would clean his food, clean his room, clean up after him, etc.

    Most Asian countries are like this. Traditional values where the mom does all the cleaning, etc.  Even if she works outside the home too.

    My parents found that the best student they had was from Belgium, however, I think probably someone from any Western European country would be more like your family.  Of course, it also just depends on his family.

  4. I'm sure u'll find neat and untidy people from all races. It would be a stereotype to say that  person from a certain country would definitely be tidy. You just have to explain to the student ur expectations before hand in a strict manner so they know the rules.

  5. The Bahamas

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