
What country do we give the Panama Canal?

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What country do we give the Panama Canal?




  1. By the promise set by Carter... the Canal was given Back to Panama the Country.

  2. This is a ignorant questions.....They gave it to no  to Cuba....UHHH  PANAMA MAYBE?  Please

  3. The Panamanian people now own the canal and it is ran by the PCC, or Panama Canal Commission, or at least it was when I left there some years ago as a GI.   My wife is Panamanian and told me that a few years ago, the PCC started returning overage funds, for lack of better terms, to the people of that country, sorta like Alaska does with the oil money or whatever it is.  The canal generates MILLIONS of dollars each month from the shipping industry, some of the large ships transitting the canal must pay hundreds of thousands of dollars just to pass through.  My question is...Who has been hoarding this money all these years?  I know it was maintained by American contractors for years.  Also, the last time I heard anything on the news about the ports, they were ran by the Chinese?  Is this still true, or is Americans dying in the desert a better story for the press?   Iloved Panama'.  I love when we used to visit my inlaws there, butnow, those inlaws fear for my safety "I'm a Gringo" from gangs that run the streets, my mother-in-law stated I would not be safe, and it has been that way I am afraid since Noriega was removed and the US forces left Panama'.  Another great Jimmy Carter idea?  FOR WHO?

  4. According to the Torrijos-Carter treaty that was signed by Jimmy Carter and Omar Torrijos, as of December 31, 1999 the Canal is now under complete Panamanian control, unless it is threatened, than the United States may come back to defend it.

  5. ummmmm  panama

  6. This is the easiest question possible and the correct answer is: Panama!!!!!

  7. I don't know you tell me...

  8. The United States gave it to the Panamian citizens to mange the Panama Canal.  In another words the Camal belongs to Panama.

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