
What country do you like most ?...!!!?

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What country do you like most ?...!!!?




  1. Canada

  2. desperado land and where no piece and quiet!!!

    highly racist and racial predijus.

    ha ha ha ha ha ha

    I let you guess where!!!!!

    where all the people meet from the same religion like; fake smile on their faces and with fake love/heartless!

  3. USA - I am going to live there when

    I can move out im 16 now so not long. Either New york, California or san diego/francisco.

  4. Italy, especially the south

  5. Scotland.

    Beautifal place

  6. America. Everything is bigger. Food portions are massive :)

  7. INDIA.....and tats y it gets maximum no. of tourists every year.......records themselves say it.......

    and overall the tp of seven wonders the taj mahal is in india .......

    plz rate mah answer no 1

  8. Turkey

  9. Norway - you can drive for miles and not meet anyone, just enjoy nature.

    I would say Australia but there are too many things out there that want to kill you :-)

  10. Why the **** does everyone "down vote" every person that says America? I know the world hates us. But the same way that a lot of people in my country stereotype Arabs and Indians etc. The whole world judges us like we're all a******s. I am not an a*****e... well, I can be one sometimes but for the most part, I'm not and also, I'm far from spoiled. Yes, my parents live in a very nice home here in Jersey but nothing is handed to me, I pay $4.00 a GALLON for gas, the media brainwashes people so badly that a size 2 is fat?!?! I have to pay $24,000 a year to go to Seton Hall University, and I only make about $150 a week, so they are all loans. I am now, at 23, in more than $100,000 debt, honestly. The health insurance sucks here and we have a STUPID MONKEYY running our country. It truly sucks, and now, that we have the chance to make a big change, a leap of faith, a black man running for president, all the old racist ***** want to come crawling out of the walls. It's just bullshit. There's a lot of c**p happening in the US, and honestly, the MAJORITY of the people in the US don't agree in any way with what the government is doing. Most of us hate our government because a bunch of jerk offs voted a monkey to be president. So don't be so hard on us. We aren't all spoiledassholes.

    And America isn't all bad naturally either. There are a lot of beautiful places in America. The Rockies, The Appalacians, American side of Niagara Falls, Cali, Jersey Shore, Florida, it's all different, all our states are like different countries. It's actually kind of beautiful.

    My favorite country would probably have to be America, hey, I'm American.


    "Cause down the shore, everything's alright."

    - Both Bruce Springsteen.

    (I'm also in love with Ireland.)

    P.S.  how are you going to vote good or bad to what a person's favorite country is? that's just stupid.

  11. England, which is Home,

    Italy, America,

  12. Scotland!

  13. The UK - it ROCKS!!! :-)

  14. England

  15. France....good wine, good climate and nice people...certainly lower crime and less traffic..yipee!

  16. 1.  Canada (home)

    2.  Japan

  17. USA ofcourse, since i'm American. But outside of US, there are many places that i would like to visit where i have never been before. i have a desire to visit each continent. I have been to Europe, Asia and Africa.  I would like to visit the other remaining  continents too as tourist, but never get enough time to do that due to stress of daily life.

  18. Italy. The scenery is just beautiful

  19. 1. ireland which is home

    2.japan which is fab

  20. California USA, Italy

  21. England....

  22. Australia all the way mate!

    Good Surf, Nice People.

    And we get to ride the kangaroos in our backyards.

  23. spain

  24. Italy

  25. any which speak English cos I'm lazy and some where warm and welcoming,xx

  26. singapore, its got western and eastern combined, great weather, great features and is really clean

  27. North Korea.

  28. America. And I'm not an american btw.

  29. Cyprus it is wonder full and the people are kind and help full. The sun is always shining,

  30. Not just one or two - depends on what I want to do.

    USA is home and has lots of options.

    Croatia for the coast.

    Switzerland for the mountains.

    Lots of places for the friends who are there....

  31. Argentina!

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