
What country do you think will win the olympic Basketball tournament?

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I think it should look like this

1. USA

2. Argentina

3. Lithuania

4. Spain




  1. Well here is how I think it will work.

    Quarter Final #1 - Argentina over Greece

    Quarter Final #2 - United States over Australia

    Quarter Final #3 - Spain over Croatia

    Quarter Final #4 - China over Lithuania (The home crowd will help them)

    Semi Final #1 - United States over Argentina

    Semi Final #2 - Spain over China

    4th - China

    Bronze - Argentina

    Silver - Spain

    Gold - United States

  2. USA? Well, I hope Argentina wins. Muahahahaha.

  3. The US for sure especially if Kobe get arrested.

  4. The way the US is playing I don't think any team can stop them. We have learned from our mistakes (like guarding the pick and roll) and have a better team than our previous years.

  5. Why is everyone hating on KOBE, he is an important asset to the team! USA is going to get gold, and no one is going to stop them. Look at them crush greece, spain and god how could you not see that they are going to win.

  6. USA, of course the beaten all the "good" countries.  

  7. The USA is just going to blow everybody out everytime they play.

  8. Unless USA seriously flops or a major upset occurs (which I can't see as a possibility given the waythe U.S. has been competing thus far) USA is bound to take home the gold.  I do live in the USA but I'm not trying to be biased here.  Many other teams have a chance, but the probabilities are just too low for that chance to become a reality.

  9. It is going to be the US. They've blown out every team they've played. No one can beat them.

  10. USA all the way! Then Lithuania. Then Spain. Finally  Argentina.

  11. You just want to see how many people are gonna say USA don't you? I think it'll be Argentina.

  12. USA kobe and lebron on the same team!! unstopable

  13. 1 usa

  14. USA is going to take the gold medal in the olympics. Our defense is unstoppable right now. And for all the doubters from europe or south america or whatever, too bad. This team is  going to prove that the players in the United States  are the best ballers in the world, and the doubters are going to accept   it.

  15. Yeah...

    Lebron gets the gold

    Kobe gets the silver

    and it's a tie bewteen Wade and Derron for the bronze.

    All the other teams will get free ice cream.

  16. ya go USA and Argentina my third favorite  

  17. USA

  18. United States...especially if Kobe Bryant gets injured

  19. USA if they're still on all cylinders.  

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