
What country gets the most snow?

by Guest66846  |  earlier

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I love snow and I want to go to a country that gets a lot. Where do you suggest?




  1. There are plenty of countries that get a lot of snow in certain areas.

    You should think of your other preferences before narrowing it down to amount of snowfall.

    Somewhere like Colorado, U.S.A where it has a lot of sunny warm weather in the low areas and a lot of snowfall in the mountains and you are in a populated place.. or you could go to Siberia with little tourist attraction, where you will freeze your *** off, but you will have your snow.

  2. Japan

  3. Canada

    no doubt.

  4. i would say canada, there is a lot. but in Italy, Austria and Switzerland you have chains of mountain well organized for snow activities

  5. i don't know, but i know a state that gets a lot of snow, colorado

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