
What country has the biggest population?

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What country has the biggest population?




  1. China - one out of every five people on Earth is Chinese. That is 20% of the human population (1.2 billion out of 6 billion)

  2. China next is India.

  3. China followed by India.  Together, they hold more than 1/3 of the Worlds 6Billion population.  The URL below has the breakdown for the Worlds Top Ten most populous Nations.

  4. People's Republic of China -  2007 estimate: 1,321,851,888

  5. China-over 1.25 billion

    check out

  6. China,1,321 million by the end of 2007 according to Chinese gov.The second is India,it has the polulation about 1 billion.

  7. China, with 1,321,851,888 people.

  8. China, it has 1/6 of the world's population.

  9. china

  10. yeah i believe china has the most population beacuse like the person underneath me said everyone around the world has some chinese in the if asian in them that makes it a big number

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