
What country has the greatest volume of oil.?

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Im looking for the country with the most oil. period.




  1. alaska and probally mexico

  2. Although they are surely a bit overevaluated, by far, it is Saudi Arabia with around 250 billions barrels. Then it is very difficult because reserves is a concept that can vary from countries to countries and can be accomodated to fit political purposes.

    From my appreciation, I will put the Canada and Russia in second very tight. The proven reserves of Russia are ranging from 60 to 200 billions barrels. Canada has around 180 billions barrels reserves but it includes tar sand and oil shales. While the one of Russia, I frankly don't know, Russia is and remains Russia...

    Then there is Iran (135), Iraq (115), Kuwait (105), United Arabian Emirates (100) then Venezuela (80 including heavy oil), Lybia (40), Nigeria (35 but not including 30 to 40 billions of tar sands if included it places Nigeria at the same level than Venezuela) and finally USA with around 20 to maximum 30 billions barrels INCLUDING Alaska and Arctic refuge reserves...

    Mexico is far behind, with around 12-15 billions barrels if I remember well (I do not have the data in my power point presentation)

    Added on the 31st of August :

    About the other countries like Russia or Canada claiming to be the first :

    The reserves given for Canada are not PROVEN. Reserves are classified as proven or unproven. Inside proven, there are developed and non-developed reserves. Inside unproven there are probable and finally possible reserves.

    Definition of proven : Quantity of petroleum that can be estimated with reasonable certainty to be commercially recoverable

    Definition of unproven : Quantity of petroleum where technical, regulatory, economic or contractual uncertainties prevent to be classified as proven. Probable being reserves are more likely than not to be commercially recoverable based on engineering data.

    Possible : Reserves may be commercially recoverable depending on favorable geological and economical factors.

    The figures given for Canada are unproven. I am talking only about proven reserves, the rest is too fuzzy.

    For Russia, the classification in the time of USSR was completly different, it was not taking care of the economic uncertainties nor regulatory. Reserves were classified often to fit the plan or unclassified to keep secret strategic reserves. So it was and it is still a big problem to reconciliate the 2 systems of reserves estimations. This is why the range for Russia is so large. However, I do not see how it could match Saudi Arabia.

  3. Depends on what you are asking:

    Total volume still in the ground (crude oil)

    Total volume already in storage (crude oil or refined oil)

    Total volume of material that can be refined into oil (crude oil, oil sand, shale, coal)

    Total volume per square mile

    What exactly are you looking for.

  4. Canada -with 330 Billion barrels only counting its confirmed reserves in Alberta.

    The estimate of how many more barrels of oil are buried deeper underground is staggering.

    "We know there’s much, much more there. The total estimates could be TWO TRILLION+ or even higher," says Clive Mather, Shell's Canada chief. "This is a very, very big resource."

    Very big? That’s eight times the amount of reserves in Saudi Arabia. The oil sands are buried under forests in Alberta that are the size of Florida.

  5. i thought it was brazil

  6. I'm pretty sure its saudi arabia but im not sure your should reserch that

  7. Россия (in Siberia)

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