
What country has the most medals overall?

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In summer and winter medals combined




  1. right now china has the most metals and the most gold metals

  2. USA

  3. from 1896 to 2day:

    1 USA with 2214 medals - 2200 in summer olympics and 216 in winter

    2. soviet union with 1204 - 1010 in summer and 194 in winter

    3. great britain with 699 - 678 in summer and 21 in winter games

    USA are way in front!!!

  4. china has a lot in this summer one idk about winter

  5. I think China and USA are pretty close right now, but just wait until track and field. Were gonna win so many more medals than China in that event. usa all the way.

  6. overall they are pretty close. china has more gold medals than the usa though.

  7. USA by FAR

    2404 medals, second place is Russia with 1200 sometihng

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