
What country has the most positive influence on the World?

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What country has the most positive influence on the World?




  1. 0.0 There is one?  Uhmmmm

    Well its not the USA that's for sure

  2. Iceland

    Iceland has some of the world's highest levels of economic freedoms as well as civil freedoms. As of 2007, Iceland is the most developed country in the world with fellow Nordic country Norway according to the Human Development Index and one of the most egalitarian, according to the calculation provided by the Gini coefficient. It is also the fourth most productive country per capita. Icelanders have a rich culture and heritage, such as cuisine and poetry.

  3. Switzerland-They mind their own business

  4. Sweden


    looked it up...and well uhm France.

  5. Canada we love everyone, if we are at war with someone, its to save our own *** or help out an unstable country like Afganistan.

    Edit: chkibo I can name one Canada, and as I recall it you were attempting a hostile takeover of us back in 1812, but we managed to fend you off, and WIN!! But we still have the same guns though.

  6. I can't think of any.  People always babble on about neutral Switzerland, but the Swiss sell military weapons which doesn't make them neutral.   Just makes them people who add to global war, but won't risk their own people for the good of the world.

  7. China, its true.

  8. interesting question because, although i have never thought about it before, the first thing i thought of was nelson mandela. it leads me to consider that the right man (or woman) with the right image has a profound affect on a nation's image. I guess south africa, itself, may not have the most positive influence on the world but it comes to mind when i think of positive influence. after mandela, i guess i think of the dali lama and, secondarily, tibet. i hope someone understands what i am trying to say.

  9. Venezuela in  terms of advocacy for Social Justice and Sovereignty

  10. Canada.

    I've been to Canada and I loved it.

    They have free healthcare, a high quality of life and the Canadians are highly respected in the world.

    Also, I love Rush.

  11. I'm going to say the USA, but not for our political influence.

    Think of our economic and social influence around the world.  How many other countries depend on American movies, music, and trade?  How many Walmarts are there in China, etc?

  12. USA.  Name a free country that the US has not either freed or protected their freedom.

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