
What country has the rudest people in it and the same question for nicest people?

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What country has the rudest people in it and the same question for nicest people?




  1. If you are American you have to accept that people hate on us and that is just how it is.  However, I found the people in Morocco to be incredibly nice!!

  2. England 4 both lol

    bekkahh ye Germany the nicest the wankers only started 2 world wars lol

  3. Rudest: United States by FAR

    Nicest: Canada or Croatia.

  4. can only speak for the countries ive visited and there are rude people in all countries in the world i cant think of one that stands out-however without a doubt the friendliest people ive met have been the maltese people

  5. i would say England is one of the rudest

    and Germany one of the nicest

    if you just look up like the surveys about tourists

    you;ll see what i mean!

  6. scotland nicest :D glasgow was voted most friendleist city by carrying out tests by a random stranger smiling at others and a very high percentage smiled back

  7. rudest= a, UK b, USA

    nicest= africans and asians

  8. There r rudest and nice people in every country of the world

    so u cant say which one have more.

  9. This question really has no answer - as an Englishman, I'd hate to be judged by some of the asshats we send abroad. All the stag do's, and so forth - our international reputation has been lowered to the lowest-common-denominator beer-swilling chav r****d. But for all that, England still has a good complement of decent, hard-working, pleasant, friendly people.

    As to the idiot who suggested that the Scots and the Welsh are inferior - I've loved holidaying in both places, and would be very pleased to go back again. Only once did I encounter any of this 'chip on shoulder' bad feeling - and I reckon that's better odds that I'd get walking around any English town. Other than that, I was made very welcome, and thoroughly enjoyed my time in both countries.

  10. rudest - argentine :O

    nicest - idk, maybe brazil? xD

    btw i'm brazilian and i love ppl from here <3

  11. Australia = Rudest.

    JimBland = Nicest and sexiest.

    So how did Germany start the first World War?

  12. Much of a muchness really wherever you go, the worlds full of people, good and bad, ignore the bad ones and you`ll be much happier, take care and be HAPPY.

  13. The Scots and the Welsh have giant chips on their shoulders and enormous inferiority complexes, so they are rude to their superiors , which is everybody else.

  14. I will base mine on cities/islands I have visited because I haven't seen any one country in its entirety.

    rudest: Paris, France

    nicest: Bali, Indonesia

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