
What country has the worst propaganda?

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What country produces the most propaganda (lies in the media)?

I know what my answer is but i want to here from my peers.




  1. islamistan

  2. Every country has propaganda, but i think there are tons of countries with equally bad and can't find the worst.

    And that guy who said America has the worst is apart of the reason why America is view badly around the world. . . ignorance. Although hes smart enough to realize that America does have a restricted free press, and a strong propaganda machine what country doesn't. In places like China they don't have free press and have restricted Internet. In Iran they are completely Isolated.

    But that's why I love America is b/c people will always make sure our freedom of the press still exists, by jumping to any regulations restricting it.

    That guy who said America is not a very smart person b/c if he was he would say America is jam packed with propaganda but we mos def are not the worst.

    Hes been influenced on the anti America propaganda. Just like rednecks are filled with the demonized Mesopotamia propaganda.

    Smart people realize both are stupid.

  3. Any country without free press....maybe North Korea?

  4. I don't know because I don't read the news of most countries...but the US is one of the most mis-informed countries..

  5. israel

  6. I would never have believed it until I got an insight of North Korea. The children are brought up to believe we are the enemy from day one at school. This practice is not the sole reserve of the North Koreans as it goes on everywhere, it's just more pronounced.

  7. America.

    Just watch the lies all over the news. the u.s media is only owned by 4 corps. 

    fox news is the worst

  8. Albania has the worst propaganda definitely, and of course the USA(the just lie and lie).

  9. Cuba is pretty bad. I listen to Radio Havana on a shortwave radio. Its hillarious; some of the things they say.

  10. Probably China. That country censors the Internet and I've heard people who have been there that many Chinese people believe all Americans are gun nuts and that crime is rampant in the US.


    Their media is pretty much based on lies  :(

    and of course Albania..don't even get me started.. >:(

  12. Albania-they invented a whole new history for themselves and all Albanians believe in those fairy tales.That is almost incredible.

    USA too.Their propagandists managed to convince American nation how wars are cool for them and that they need to keep sticking their noses into everyone's other business in the name of so called "democracy".

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