
What country in latin america is most like the u.s?

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i have to do some research for a project. what country is most like the u.s ;birth and death rate, # of cell phone users, etc.




  1. I guess It's Puerto Rico

  2. Mexico

  3. Argentina..

    It's the most developed Latin American country, and most people there are white of European descent, just like people in the US or Canada

    My mom was there last year and told me life is pretty much like in Europe or the US....

  4. In terms of statistics, the answers might be either Costa Rica, Panama or Chile. The most like the US in other aspects is actually Puerto Rico. In PR the people are actually US citizens, use US dollars, quite a few people speak English, cell phone coverage is pretty good and if you have a phone with Sprint, Cingular or Vonage phone calls made to and from (and within) PR are the same as done within the US and you won't be charged with long distance or int'l fees. Oh, and you don't need a passport to go there. You should check though if for your project PR counts as a different country because technically speaking PR is a territory of the US, there's even a US federal district court and the US postal system delivers the mail.

  5. I would have to say that either Panama or Puerto Rico are alot like the US. But they also have their own cultures and peoples as well. Panama was a US ally for many years and housed US citizens up until 1999 to use the panama canal. Puerto Rico has active US Military Installations on it and the closer you get to those the more like the US it becomes.

  6. I live in Mexico and do NOT agree that Mexico is most like the U.S.  you need to get on the web and do your own research on those statistics.

  7. I disagree on Mexico and Argentina. Architecturally speaking, Argentina is pretty much like any european city and the food is quite Italian. Mexico is the closest country to the US but it is very much the opposite due to the fact that their ancestors were aztecs, toltecs, etc.

    If you are looking at statistics, no one is closer to the US in birth and deaths due to the fact that the US is so large and not one latin american country is as big as the US (maybe Brazil?). However, I think according to the amount of businesses going on, cell phones, and a life style more in common as to the US I would say either Puerto Rico or Panama as both those countries have a huge american influence and american businesses going on.

  8. Hi, that is a question really hard to answer, and I never been to all countries in latin america, so i can't say what is the most like US. But about the things you said, birth and death rate, cell phones, etc, at least I can say how things are in my own country, Brazil.

    - About 105 millions brazilians has cell phones (april, 2007).

    - Birth rate : 18,31 (2003 census)

    - Death (or mortality) rate : 6,11 (2003 census)

    - Infant mortality rate - 24,11 (2003 census)

    - Life expectancy - 71,74 (2004 census)

    - Urban population rate - 82,82 (2005)

    - GDP (PPP) 2005 estimate - $1.594 trillion (9th)

    - HDI (2004) - 0.792 (medium) (69th)

    - Ethnic groups (2000 census):

    1 - White - 53,7%

    2 - Multiracial - 43,2%

    3 - Black - 6,3%

    4 - Asian, Amerindian - 0,7%

    - Have São Paulo, witch is the most populous city in the Western Hemisphere.Because São Paulo is sprawling like Los Angeles, it has two definitions for its metropolitan area. By its CSA (Combined Statistical Area) type definition of metropolitan area, it is the second largest city in the world with 29 million inhabitants . The more narrowly defined Greater São Paulo metropolitan area, which doesn't include Campinas, Baixada Santista and many other nearby areas (Região Metropolitana de São Paulo) has around 19.7 million inhabitants (2006), making it the fifth most populous metropolitan area in the world.

    - Brazil have 1.146 McDonald's !!! :P

    - If you turn on the radio, most songs will be americans, or with american influence.

    - In Brazil, altought we are in latin america (we speak portuguese), spanish ins't  a required school subject and English is.

    Hope that i helped you.

    Take care.

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