
What country is the actual medal winner per capita in the Olympics?

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Australia has a population of 23 million and 5 Gold.

China has over a billion population and 23 Gold

America has a huge population and 16 Gold.

Uk has 2 gold and not sure of the population




  1. Australia's population  is a little above  20 million.

    Australia is a lucky country to have a fair climate and a very large clean area for sports and recreational activities.

    Australians  have a positive outlook with their lives.

    and yes,  that's why  per capita , Australia is TOPS.

  2. CHina

  3. I will say all gold winners are tally to their capita. But I hope the question doesn't divert into something political or economical... like, If China has more Gold medals, do you think McD's HQ will end up in China? That will be an obsurd thought that runs through the mind...

  4. i think singapore will come at less 20th but now china will win.......

  5. I've just pulled these figures out of another answer I placed just recently.

    A few moments ago these were the figures for the top five on the tally board.

    China : 1 gold per 49 094 222 people

    US : 1 gold per 19 054 687 people

    Germany : 1 gold per 10 277 225 people

    South Korea : 1 gold per 8 037 333 people

    Australia : 1 gold per 3 055 513

    Obviously if you keep going, you could figure it out completely - if you feel like a  bit of calculation!

  6. Well we know it's not china with 1.3 billion, and with that many people, they should have some incredible athletes to choose from.

    Australia has 7 gold now, they might even be the winner, who knows.

  7. i think America is the actaul medal winner per capita

  8. wrong question... talented people are less and cannot depend on the population.... its just a matter of talent dude..

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