
What country on Earth has the cleanest air?

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What country on Earth has the cleanest air?




  1. Tibet

  2. I have heard from a family member Iceland is one of the cleanest country's.

  3. Iceland!

  4. Probably a country with a lot of wilderness and open land, and with not as many polluted cities etc. Countries near the sea tend to be much healtheir too. One country I can think of is Sweden. (I actually am swedish) Sweden is bordered with the Atlantic ocean, and when I often visit it, the air is much clearer and lighter. It is also prooven that Swedes are the healthiest humans on the planet. Perhaps that is because of the air? (Just a thought!) Think. You can definatley feel the difference from the air in a bustling city/ major civilized country than in a farmland.

  5. Wouldn't be Nepal, as there is way too much particulate matter coming with the winds from China.

    For quality of air, I would think Russia or Canada (Siberia and Northern CA)

    Russia and Canada have land areas so vast without any industrial or geologic activity that I imagine it would be somewhere in these parts.  Iceland's stance from Kyoto is based solely off of carbon emissions and has nothing to do with air quality in the country.

  6. Continent: Antarctica

    Country: Iceland

  7. I think it counts as a continent more than a country but the Arctic and Antarctic have the cleanest air. So germ free in fact that if you spend a lot of time there, your immune system starts to almost switch off and when you come back to 'civilisation', you're very likely to pick up something that usually you're immune system would easily fight off.

  8. Georgia:))))))))adjara-seaside

  9. I would say italy probably

  10. india

  11. Anartica

  12. I would say Iceland.

  13. honey  the  best  air  has  only  armenia  it  is  no  chemicals  in  the  air  cause  there i ss no  chemical  factory  over e there  all the  food  is  organi  and u  will  love  it  a lot

  14. Good question, i'm thinking anywhere near and around the south and north poles (not alot ppl/industrialization minus all the polutants). Besides, cold air always feels amazingly fresh anyway. Just stick your head inside your freezer and breathe in and see how it feels; exactly like a breathe of fresh air.

  15. All I know is that experts say they believe California's air quality to be the worst in the nation...  Dont know about cleaner air, sorry!

    Go here and maybe you'll find your answer:

  16. Perhaps Nepal.

  17. Iceland is credited with having the cleanest air quality in the world.  An article in "The New York Times" (February 4, 2007, Smokestacks in a White Wilderness Divide Iceland) noted that the Kyoto Protocol found their air quality so clean that they gave them the go ahead to RAISE their greenhouse emissions by 10% from the 1990s level!

    The UN also cites Iceland has leading the world in quality of air, but the definitions they use are tied more closely to "quality of life" concerns than the scientific standards Kyoto uses.

    Sadly this may change soon.  Iceland has approved the construction of several giant aluminum smelters (the largest being one built by Alcoa).  This could radically change not only the cleanness of the air in Iceland, by the landscape as well.

  18. It depends which way the wind blows. Air pollution is a global problem as well.

  19. Antartica...although its a continent, not a country.

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