
What country produce good boxers?

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What country produce good boxers?




  1. Hello,

    Yes it depends what kind of weight that you are interested in? Cubans, mexicans for the lower weights and Americans, Russians, Brits for the higher weights as a general rule. Obviously there are many exceptions to this my friend.

  2. well im colombian and people say im good and ive seen sum good boxers ther so-colombia, cuba, brazil, mexico and usually poor countrys.

  3. america -look at all the greatest ones of all time all american- ali, holmes, frazier,dempsey, johnson, ray robinson and leonard and lots more..

  4. U.S.A.




    Puerto Rico

    Great Britain

  5. Cuba produces lots that the world hears nothing about because  they cant turn professional there

  6. Mexico & Puerto Rico !

  7. Mexico and Puerto Rico produce the best lightweight fighters while America and Russia usually have the better heavyweight fighters.... but # 1 is Mexico

  8. russia,ukrAINE,well all ex ussr countries to not mention them all,plus more eastern european countries as romania,bulgaria,hungary ,germany,traditionally usa and uk (overrated my opinion personal) ,CUBA(most underrated ever),argentina,MEXICO (PROLLY BEST),korea and japan in lightweights and lighter than that!well these all i can think now

  9. depends on what weight class.

    lightweights-mexican and philipino



    heavyweights-soviet union

  10. cuba russia

  11. North america south america

  12. Not necessarily the country but try the hood, projects, or the ghettos. When you had to fight for your whole life trust me it's a lot of anger built up and not to mention you've fought since you were a small child. Basically countries where people have to struggle.

  13. That would depend on era.

    In the ancient world obviously it was the Greeks; an athenian, forget his name, no doubt inspired that "Dares/Antallus" myth, assuming the wiki source was accurate which I doubt.  I personally think the real story is better than the myth, although I don't think the Athenian's name was "Dares."

    From the late 19th century to about when, oh, Ali Knocked out Foreman, it was the U.S.  America was pretty dominant for a whopping whole hundred years pretty much.  In the 1980's I would say Mexico, but lately the skill of their fighters has deteriorated as economic improvements have taken hold in the country.  Its a common pattern the world over; poverty produces great fighters and because the U.S. was working class from the late 19th century up until the 1940's, and because the educated class of the 50's, 60's and 70's used to be working class, as the country got richer and richer, boxing deteriorated more and more with smaller and smaller pools of men needing it to escape poverty.

    From the 1990's until now, that country would be Russia, because even though there IS business opportunity there, and rapid economic growth, it is still largely a poor country, so currently, the Russians are the best.

    Oh, sorry, my bad, forgot to add something; countries with histories of poverty and CRIME, produce good boxers.  Sorry for neglecting the fact; that has been the pattern through history in the past 500 years.

    Look at MMA; many good fighters tend to be from Brazil for precisely that reason.  Where was Mike Tyson born?  Bronx, NYC, back when said neighborhood was a crime infested h**l.

    New York in the 1970's and 80's I hear, was not a nice place to live.  From the ridiculous price tag of just living there I hear its STILL not a nice place to live, and I hear the subways smell like p**s.

    Case in point; poverty + crime = good boxing.  With the exception of the ancient world, because war and invasion was more of a problem for them, than crime.  In the ancient world, there was no crime, but war was the problem.  In the modern world there ........

    wait never mind, the ancients had it better.

    Over the past 100 years or so...

    1)  The United States

    2)  Mexico, but only for the 1980's

    3)  From the 1990's til now, Russia, easily Russia, although the b******s fight like robots.... and without human aliveness, and some sloppiness still shows through.

  14. cuba



    pourto rica






    in no order

  15. Latin America for the lighter weights, Europe and North Ameica and maybe Africa for the heavier weights. I know these are continents and not countries.....its hard to be more specific

  16. Most south American countries would produce very good boxers, but I reckon Mexico produce the best

  17. Cuba




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