
What country should I move to if Obama is elected?

by  |  earlier

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I want a country that is both culturally and politically conservative--none of this g*y marriage bunk--and has low taxes and is very religous and hates communism, homosexulity, liberals, feminists, and liberal media and education.

Any country fit this criteria?




  1. try moving to the year 1950...

  2. Iran, or since the Taliban seem to be resurgent, Afghanistan, both sound like a good fit for you

  3. Put a bullet in your head, save your self the trouble of moving and becoming a citizen in another country.

  4. Nope, just the country of your own psychotic delusion.

  5. Vatican City, but I don't think you fit the criteria.

  6. Don't cry for me Argentina, ...........................................

  7. You my friend are not a patriot if you will abandon America because her policies change. And I hate to tell you, there are no other developed countries with social policies as conservative as America's.

  8. LMFAO.... I want to move if Obama is elected as well... but I certainly don't want to go somewhere with you if you HATE anyone... It's dumb that you hate homosexuality and liberals. Most idiots believe either ALL liberals are stupid or ALL conservatives are stupid. Neither is true and thinking that way will get none of us any ware. It's ok to hate communism... and I'm not a big fan on feminism but I don't hate anyone who practices it. Next... you hate...EDUCATION? Well I guess that's obvious since you seem uneducated. Whatever, I don't think any of us will miss you.

  9. You could move back to the United States.  Our constitution would be in working order again.

  10. That sounds exactly like Iran.

  11. Somewhere in the Middle East but you'll have to convert to Islam.

    To oo-mexic - I find it interesting that the question mentions several issues that this person disagrees with BO on. You've managed to ignore the issues and make ad hominem attacks. Want to see an ignorant racist? Look in the mirror.

  12. this will  be a great nation when all of you fascist conservatives leave

  13. Good riddance, just pick a country as far away as possible.

  14. There are a lot of dictatorships that fall into your politics, all I can say, can I help you pack!

  15. i dont care im glad youre leaving though

  16. There is no such country, have you tried Mars

  17. Here's a thought" stand up and fight for the Country that our relatives have fought for before us"! If you don't like the way it is try to change it.

  18. Get the h**l out whether Obama is elected or not. You don't like it? Leave or change it

  19. I would try Australia. Very nice country. I think it is pretty conservative. And the people are very nice and fun loving.

  20. No, why don't you create your own. Or just see if you can find a place that is not very populated now & get people like you to move there & create your own place. Kindof like the mormons have Utah.

  21. If you have a problem with an African American being elected, I suggest you kill yourself that way you'll go straight to h**l faster.(Where you belong) For you ignorant inexplicable extremely outdated racism.

  22. Central African Empire or Mali.

  23. I'm glad you're leaving too.

    Denmark. Happiest place on earth.

  24. I think you've narrowed it down to Vatican City. Although, I suppose you could argue that it is a communist country since the priests don't really own their own stuff.

  25. Maybe New Zealand!! it would be hard to find, maybe Nova Scotia!! If you find one let me know!! I may be right behind ya!! along with loads of others!!!

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