
What country should i adopt from.....

by  |  earlier

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Here are some points to take into consideration,

- I would like a white skinned child (I'm not racist, i have nothing against black or asian people, i just think the child would fit in and not feel "different" than all the other family members)

-Country that hasn't got a massive waiting list

- Minimum age of 18 if you know of any,

Thanks xxxx




  1. Russia or Germany! <3

    Or maybe Switzerland or Iceland or

  2. im english and im 14 and preggers,i had problems with finding the perfect couple soo..

    im white and brought up in a ''posh'' and ''snotty'' family so i think the little kiddo will b clever too

    hope that doesn't sound too selfish

  3. How about one that doesn't sell children?   That rules out most "commercial" international adoption countries where a booming business (selling children for adoption) takes place as a form of human trafficking.  

  4. the United States foster care system?

  5. If you want a white skinned baby, why not make your own?  It's cheaper.

  6. Probably a euro country. Italy?

  7. EASY.  You are in the US, yes?

    FOSTER CARE in the United States.  There are thousands of children of all ages, genders, and races, waiting for a family to adopt them.

    Goto the social services website or the foster care website of your state.  You can see pictures of children waiting to be adopted.  BEAUTIFUL kids who need a home, right here in the US.

    And if you get approved, the adoption will be almost FREE.  You won't have to pay a thing to get a great kid..

    Please, if this is serious, look into the foster care system.  

  8. if you're from the US, there are plenty of american white children waiting to be adopted.

    fyi, if you adopt from another race the only way the child will feel different is if you make them feel like that.

    in our neighborhood, there are several white couples that have adopted asian kids and they are doing wonderful.

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